Contact Us
Membership is open to all staff and employees of the East End Food Co-op and Construction Junction who live in Allegheny or Westmoreland Counties, along with individuals who live, work or worship within our service territory. Immediate family of current credit union members are also welcome to join. Please stop by our office, located inside the East End Food Co-op, to sign up.
The East End Food Co-op Federal Credit Union
7516 Meade Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Phone: (412) 243-7574 | Email:
Office hours
Wednesday 4pm-7:45pm
Friday 2pm-6pm
Saturday 11am-3pm
*other times by available by appointment
Holiday Hours: In observance of Thanksgiving, we will close 2 hours early on Wednesday (11/23 - open 4pm-6pm) and Friday (11/25 - open 2pm-4pm).
Please register with the front desk upon arrival.
East End Food Co-op Federal Credit Union | 7516 Meade Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Phone: 412-243-7574 | Email: